Ziel: Jugendliche

#NetEleng – United for Healthy Minds

Datum und Uhrzeit der Aktion:

10/10/2024 : 00:00 - 00:00, -

On October 10th, UNICEF Luxembourg is launching its online campaign #NetEleng, aimed at Luxembourg’s youth. With the participation of numerous Luxembourgish influencers and organisations, the campaign seeks to break the taboo around mental health issues, especially within the school environment.

  • Breaking the Silence: By showing young people that they are not alone with their feelings, the campaign aims to encourage them to talk more openly about mental health challenges.
  • Tips: With easy-to-follow tips and coping strategies, the campaign shows how to handle everyday stress and mental health challenges.
  • Asking for Help: The campaign provides info on where and how young people can get the support they need.

With the UNICEF Youth Ambassadors at the heart of this campaign, it’s a campaign shaped by youth, for youth. It aims to support them in addressing and managing mental health issues while also giving them a voice by drawing attention to the challenges they encounter.

With the financial support of André Losch Fondation

Info Sprache(n): Luxembourgish and English

Kategorie(n): Psycho

Art(en): online


UNICEF Luxembourg

Rebecca Felten


Freiwillige gesucht: Nein

Partner gesucht: Nein

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