Ziel: Eltern

Understanding parental burn out

Datum und Uhrzeit der Aktion:

08/10/2024 : 18:00 - 20:00, -

Understanding Parental Burnout / Being a parent in the 21st century

During this webinar, we discuss the challenges of parenting today. What is burnout in general and specifically parental burnout? How does it manifest itself and how can it be prevented or even overcome? What are the consequences of parental burnout? This presentation targets everyone interested in the subject.

Webinar for all interested parents (EN)

Speaker: HEMMER Tania, bachelor in social and educational sciences, trained in parental burnout, sleep coach

Inscription: eltereschoul@kannerschlass.lu

Info Sprache(n): english

Kategorie(n): Beruf, Gesundheit

Art(en): online


Fondation Kannerschlass/Eltereschoul


Marion Conzemius

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